It is a minimum advertised price policy. MAP Policies are unilateral policies implemented by manufacturers, which set forth the minimum price at which a reseller can advertise your product. MAP Policies are used to ensure that one reseller cannot undercut other resellers, which in turn protects your brand and increases competition among your resellers. 

When implemented and enforced correctly, courts have found that MAP Policies are generally legal and do not constitute illegal price fixing. A manufacturer may announce certain sales practices and refuse to deal with resellers that do not abide by such practices.  

The MAP policy will take effect on January 1st, 2022  

On the YOKOHAMA website

This MAP Policy applies to all forms of external advertising, including, but not limited to, any and all forms of print and electronic media, broadcast direct mail, broadcast e-mail or fax, audio and video communications, social media sites and apps, search engine advertising and results, radio, television, newspapers, inserts, flyers, posters, coupons, magazines, catalogs, and billboards and other public signage.

MAP will help YOKOHAMA brand monitor and enforce the product pricing everywhere it appears.  

MAP policy is built to protect the value of YOKOHAMA products and by extension, YOKOHAMA brand.  

MAP will increase the perceived value of YOKOHAMA product.  

MAP policies will give YOKOHAMA a legal mechanism for reducing the damage sellers can cause. 



A written warning will be sent by email or mail giving the dealer or reseller 5 business days to remove or correct the advertising. If the dealer or reseller fails to come into compliance within that time period, then that failure will be deemed a 2nd Violation. 


A written warning will be sent by email or mail informing the dealer or reseller that Yokohama will exclude all sales of the product line that was violated to calculate bonuses or program incentives for 1 month. If the dealer or reseller fails to come into compliance within that time period, then that failure will be deemed a 3rd Violation. 


A written warning will be sent by email or mail informing the dealer or reseller that Yokohama will exclude all sales of the product line that was violated to calculate bonuses or program incentives for the entire quarter in which the violation occurred. If the dealer or reseller fails to come into compliance within that time period, Yokohama may terminate any agreement with the offender. 


Yokohama has sole discretion to enforce this MAP Policy against Resellers that are not Authorized Distributors. Yokohama may, among other things, (i) send written notice to the violator demanding compliance with this MAP Policy and/or (ii) place the violator on Yokohama's Do-Not-Ship List. 

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